Teaching my kids how to love their enemies is hard sometimes cause the "mama bear" in me feels their hurt and inner struggle, and it's our natural tendency to want to fight back, to defend, and to make right the wrong. But God's Word commands us differently.
Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. (The Message)
Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (NIV)My son has been struggling with a couple of teachers in school this year. His struggle (as far as I can tell) is mostly internal and he hasn't actually acted out in rebellion, disrespect, and anger. It's just the little things these people do that make him feel picked on and disliked. Sure, there are two sides to the story and Kyle's perception could be skewed, but still when my son feels these things, he feels them. And this mama's heart feels them.
The world teaches us to stand up for yourself or disrespect back, and I'm trying to encourage my son that there is a different way that God calls us to. Because we are followers of Christ we want to be like Christ to the world around us...doing good, blessing, and praying for the one who offends. It means going above and beyond to be better than our enemies expect, being kind, showing humility instead of pride, and becoming stronger through the trial instead of weaker. It's hard to "let them bring out the best in you" when it goes against everything we feel.
The Message translation concludes this passage in Luke 6 (above) on loving our enemies, by challenging us to "live generously". Giving to others when they don't deserve it. As my kids go out in this world today, that is my prayer for them, as they face unkind and difficult people.
Live generously, sweet ones, cause God will see. He will be your defender. He will reward and love.
Lord, help Alyssa and Kyle to love their enemies and do good to those who mistreat them. Praying for those who cause us to struggle is the harder, but better, thing to do. Oh to let these situations bring out the best in them, and not the worst, is my prayer. Holy Spirit, speak tenderly to Alyssa and Kyle's broken and hurting hearts, when people don't treat them with kindness and respect. Remind them that you are their Defender. Instruct them on how to respond in a way that brings you glory and turns around the circumstances they are in. In this world we will have troubles, but through them I pray that Alyssa and Kyle trust you and follow your example to live generously, especially to those who don't deserve it. Encourage Alyssa and Kyle's hearts today and remind them that they are dearly loved by you!

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