That's my boy!!!
As the teacher was passing out the tests, he announced that there were two who got 100%, and they were both sitting in the back and must have cheated.
Kyle had to clue me in that the teacher was just joking. Whew.
And then I saw the news where a Yankee player was suspended for 10 games because he decided to cheat.
Cheating, lying and deception sometimes seem common place. I pray it isn't so in Alyssa and Kyle's lives. Honesty and integrity are really the right way to go!
Lord, I pray that honesty and doing right are always the way Alyssa and Kyle choose to live. It's important to do what is right, not only in the your eyes, but also in the eyes of man. Please keep a tight protection on Alyssa and Kyle's integrity, and prod their hearts when they are tempted to lie, cheat or steal. I pray that they are rewarded when they choose to live according to your law and design for their lives.

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