I have felt loved, in so many ways, by my Heavenly Father this week! He shows Himself in beautiful ways!
- Our daughter got engaged into a young man she's been dating for 5 1/2 years. I loved her declaration that she was "beyond happy". Though I find myself anxious about her age, God clearly has told me to trust Him. I've also loved the abundance of texts and facetime calls with Lyss since her engagement, asking questions, making plans, and keeping her parents in the loop.
- Kyle has been working hard at both school and baseball. I love his discipline for sure! One blessing is that he is going to a big baseball camp this summer and someone gifted us with a check to help in the cost of this big adventure. Words cannot express our gratitude.
- Ken and Kyle had a great time at Man Camp, and I sensed God answering some of my prayers about men who will speak truth and blessing into my teenage son's life. Our young men need to see grown men living out their faith, and not ashamed of following God.
- Our dog Mac had a brief stint of crazy wheezing and was pretty lethargic for a day, which is really cause for alarm when the mutt lives on high energy most of the time. I was thankful that we have a veterinary friend in our church and she was quick to respond and give us help. It seems that our dog was suffering from allergies. Oh great, we needed another allergy mess around here.

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