Kyle in his new truck (August 2013)
Not only do the last four weeks mark a "sabbatical" from blogging, it marks a period of my summer where I couldn't drive. I've been dependent on friends, my kids and my hubby to take me everywhere I've had to go. That's hard for a mom who is used to helping everyone else, and being free to go and do whatever whenever.
Another thing that was sometimes frustrating, in this driving dependance, was that my kids weren't always good listeners to directions. Sure, I wasn't always the best back seat driver, but still there were times when my guidance was ignored or unappreciated.
It gave me pause to think that sometimes it's hard for us to let go of what we think, or assume we know what is right, and listen to the wisdom of someone else. I pray, that when it comes to Alyssa and Kyle's relationship with God, that they will be attentive to His voice, and willing to go in whatever direction He moves them in. Where He goes, or where he sends, may they always follow!
My Sweet and Present Father, I pray that you are forever near Alyssa and Kyle in ways that they see you, sense you, and are intimately aware of your voice leading them in the ways they ought to go. And wherever you lead, may they go in the direction your Spirit is moving. Mirroring your movement, and following your leading, will always take trust, obedience, and discipline to pay attention to your presence. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will always be in tune with you, Jesus! Amen.

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