It's been a lot of years since I read that, but it often comes to mind. Now that I'm on the other side of my parenting years, though I know I'll always be a parent, I still look on those times with some regret. Wishing I had done some things different or thinking about failures, insecurities, and stupidities. Only by the grace of God are my kids doing as well as they are. I can see so many ways that God filled in the gaps...His power being made perfect in my weakness!
No matter how hard I tried, or continue to try, I will never be able to provide for all of my kid's needs. I cannot protect them from every hurt. I won’t be able to fulfill every desire. More now that ever, I can't be with them in every crisis and am unable to meet every need that they have physically, emotionally, and for sure spiritually. So, still, even now that they are young adults and not living at home, I am called to be on my knees, dependent and hopeful that God will take care of my sweet "babies".
I'm thankful for a God who forgives and always “bridges the gaps". His grace is sufficient!
Lord, thank you for my kids and for the gift they are in my life. I love them so much, and yet I feel like I failed at parenting so many times. There were times that parenting was so hard, and yet you to guided me, strengthened me, and helped me when I was weak and tired. Thank you for filling in the gaps and being just what my kids needed. I’m so glad that I didn’t have to parent alone. You have always been with me, and with them. Please, Lord, continue to bridge the gaps between what my kids need, and what I can, or have, given them. Where I haven't been enough, fill in the blanks. I stand in faith, believing in your promise to satisfy our needs and strengthen our frames. Oh, how I pray you do that for my children today. Continue your work in them that they might be who you've made them to be. Draw them to you and speak to their hearts so that they may recognize their need for you. Dear Jesus, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for loving my kids more than I do, and for continuing the pursue them, parent them, and fill in their gaps.

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